After my stroke, I found that singing helped in gaining the new pathways our brains have from thought to speech. I am sold on it as a therapy. But it’s one among many.
Walking, even up and down the stairs at home was wonderfully therapeutic - since the first 6 weeks of my recovery at home was down stairs, in my family room turned into a bedroom. A move forward.
I can still remember my 6 year old’s comment when I got to the top of the stairs for one of the first times since leaving for the hospital. In a very matter-of-fact way he said, “Big deal, Dad. You’ve been doing that since you were a little boy.”
It was a big deal to me.
Part of the reason I couldn’t do that ascent was my fear. Making “the climb” up the stairs was a huge barrier to progress, whether it is seen as such by a 6 year old boy, or an adult.
The larger question is whether we are willing to stop at the top of the stairs.
For those living s a stroke overcomer, there are other therapies to help. Water, in terms of the warmth of a pool, of moving, etc. If your town has a pool...
Don’t be discouraged that it’s too little, too slow. I remind myself of the discouragement of Elijah, hiding in a cave, and God spoke to him in that “still, small voice.” (1 Kings 19:11-13). God knows our discouragements, and speaks to us in a voice we can hear and understand.
Move forward, and do great and mighty things!
After a stroke everything "pushes the envelope"